Monthly Activity Reports
October 2024 estimated production averaged 9,194 boe/d, which was 68% natural gas and 32% total liquids. This was a 17% increase compared to the previous month’s estimate, as volumes previously shut-in due to a third-party facility outage in Ferrier were brought back online.
September 2024 estimated production averaged 7,887 boe/d, which was 71% natural gas and 29% total liquids. Production was down by approximately 22% compared to August due to downtime associated with a planned shutdown at a third-party facility in Ferrier that lasted nearly the entire month of September.
August 2024 estimated production averaged 10,075 boe/d, an increase of 438 boe/d compared to July. Volumes consisted of 67% natural gas and 33% total liquids. The increase in production month over month is due to to seeing a full month of volumes from the new wells that were brought on stream in the second half of July.
July 2024 estimated production averaged 9,637 boe/d, an increase of 450 boe/d compared to June. Volumes were 65% natural gas and 35% total liquids. The month over month increase is primarily attributable to new volumes associated with the Q1 drills that were completed in June and brought on production in the second half of July.
June 2024 estimated production averaged 9,187 boe/d, which was 69% natural gas and 31% total liquids. The decrease in production month over month was due to a combination of natural decline, compressor maintenance at our operated Ferrier gas processing plant and planned turnaround activity at operated facilities in the Thorsby area.
May 2024 estimated production averaged 9,544 boe/d, which was 69% natural gas and 31% total liquids. Production held relatively flat month over month as volumes added from recently drilled wells offset natural decline. Approximately 170 boe/d of dry natural gas production in our Foothills area remains shut-in due to low natural gas prices.
April 2024 estimated production averaged 9,679 boe/d, which was comprised of 68% natural gas and 32% total liquids. Production was down approximately 3% compared to March average estimated production. The month over month decrease is the result of accounting adjustments associated with working interest changes and the timing of operations notices offsetting volumes added from recently drilled wells.
March 2024 estimated production averaged 9,969 boe/d, which was comprised of 68% natural gas and 32% total liquids. Estimated production for February has been revised upward by 317 boe/d to 10,027 boe/d, reflecting an increase in working interest in recently drilled wells. This change was not captured in last month’s report due to the timing of the adjustment in ownership.
February 2024 estimated production averaged 9,710 boe/d, an increase of 339 boe/d over January. Volumes were comprised of 69% natural gas and 31% total liquids. The increase in production month over month is attributable to improved runtime, increased working interest in newly drilled wells and added production from new wells continuing to offset decline. Approximately 170 boe/d of dry gas volumes in our Foothills area remains shut-in due to low natural gas pricing.
January 2024 estimated production averaged 9,371 boe/d. Volumes were comprised of 69% natural gas and 31% total liquids. The increase in production month over month is attributable to volumes from the North Ferrier wells that were brought on production in late December. These incremental volumes were partially offset by unplanned downtime and strategic shut-ins.